The unapologetic,
taste of
Pilgrims Choice.

The Recipes

Pilgrims Choice BIG Breakfast Omelette!


Leave out the meat for a veggie version.

  • 6 Free range eggs beaten
  • 2 knobs of butter/1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp of grated Pilgrims Choice Extra Mature cheddarBreakfast fillings (Pre-cooked)
  • 4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon
  • 4 sausages
  • 2 pieces of good quality Black pudding
  • 8 vine tomatoes
  • 6/7 chestnut mushrooms
  • 3 big handfuls of more Pilgrims Choice cheddar


  1. Warm a 20cm non-stick frying pan on medium heat.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them with a fork so they break up and mix, but not as much as you would for scrambled eggs.
  3. With the heat on medium/hot, drop one knob of butter into the pan. It should bubble and sizzle, but not brown.
  4. Season the eggs with the parmesan and a little salt and pepper, and pour into the pan.
  5. Let the eggs bubble slightly for a couple of seconds, then take a wooden fork or spatula and gently draw the mixture in from the sides of the pan a few times, so it gathers in folds in the centre. Repeat until there is only a little uncooked egg left.
  6. Now add in all your cooked breakfast ingredients and don’t forget the CHEESE.
  7. With the pan flat on the heat, shake it back and forth a few times to settle the mixture. It should slide easily in the pan and look soft and moist on top. A quick burst of heat will brown the underside.